Monday, November 10, 2008

They're baaack

Well. I went over to the bed a couple hours ago to lay there and
watch a movie. There was a bedbug sitting right there on my pillow,
plain as day. I freaked. Husband captured it. Then we stripped the bed.
We found one more in the covers. We took the laundry down to the
dryer and flipped up the mattress, spraying the bedframe, mattress,
all around it with lysol for good measure. We taped saran wrap up
above the bed covering the 2 ceiling vents in case the bugs were
dropping from there. A half hour later I walked back in to look at
the bed. There was a bed bug on the mattress cover. A while later we
found one on the wall. Then a few minutes later, another one on the
bed protector. This is getting rather disheartening. They must be
coming out of the woodwork, literally. We will be buying a new bed
frame tomorrow. I will look all day if I have to, to find one that we
can use to put up on the moats again and hope that this time our bed
will be isolated from the bugs.

Blah. Off to check the bed one more time and get the laundry out.
This is unbelievable.

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